
Monday, May 21, 2012

Dinosaur Ribs

Woo Hoo!  I have just complete a test knit for Mary the Hobbit it is a lovely twisty, ribby design. My sister in law lives in Drumheller - the home of Dinosaurs in Alberta - hence the project name!

I am using some very soft alpaca yarn that will keep Sharon’s tootsies lovely and warm in the winter.

Very cute pattern - and I love the socks :o) The pattern is written with a full chart for each of the front and back of the sock as well as the top of the foot so was very easy to follow. I like that the designer has you knit TBL on the first row of knitting after picking up the heel flap stitches as this really tightens up that area and gives the heel flap a lovely finish.

I only made one change to the pattern and knit a smooth toe - I noticed that one of the other testers had done that, and it is my preference. I missed the line of ‘ribulets’ that run along the foot - totally my fault for not paying attention.

I love that the pattern is ribbed - it is very stretchy and suitable for quite ‘cuddly’ and slim legs alike. I knit the medium size and twist/cable design did not suck in the fabric. I used my usual cast on 63sts (I am usually in the range of 62-66sts) and my devoted, hardworking 2.5mm Knit Picks 32” circular needles - I knit TAAT.

The foot length is 9.5” long and I am pleased with the yarn usage - you could get away using one of those lovely yarns that has a scant yardage and still get a gorgeous pair of socks.

The sock is a quick knit - although they took me longer to knit than usual as I seem to lose my mojo in the spring as I am itching to get out in the garden! This is certainly not due to the pattern design!
A great pattern and well worth using to add to your sock collection!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Almost an Angel

Hubby's birthday is fast approaching (June 19th) and each year it seems to be waaaaay in the future, then all of a sudden it is tomorrow.  Somehow I remembered a few weeks early this year and that meant that I was able to order him a lovely present.

Whilst trawling through Etsy I came across the shop of Almost an Angel and her lovely prints - in particular, the greyhounds.  Now we are greyhound freaks.  When we came over to Canada we brought with us our lovely Freddy (Corelish Lisa).  She used to race at Perry Barr in Birmingham.  Unfortunately she left us in March 2009 at the age of 12 - and this print reminded me of her:

We then adopted (or do they adopt you I wonder?) two boys.  First of all we got Rocky (Am Rocky) from SAGAA, our local greyhound adoption group.  Rocky (aka Rockstar, Rocky Horror etc) is our first male hound - we have always had bitches before, but he is a sweetheart.  He ran at the Flagler Stadium in Miami - and I use the word in the loosest sense of the word.  You see Rocky really doesn't have the smarts.  He is a cute looking boy, but chase something round a track - that is not his style . . . . . . so he now lives with us.  He eats, sleeps and drinks.  Sounds like a great life to me!  And as it happens - the Rockstar and I were born on the same day - October 9th (same as John Lennon in fact!)  This print is a typical Rocky pose.

And then Hobbes (AH's Angelo) came into our life.  He was also off the same tracks as Rocky.  If you check out his stats he was quite the racer, winning quite a few races.  You can even see some of his races as they were recorded.  He is the black streak coming up from behind - amazing to see him run.  Now he is quite the 'ninja' dog.  He almost seems to retract his nails and then sneak across the kitchen floor to pinch food off counters/tables/plates etc.  But we love him so - and here is his likeness.


I am sure that hubby will be thrilled with these prints and look forward to gifting them to him next month.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Witches Brew Yarn

Having spent Friday and Saturday with relatives, I thought that Sunday would be a nice lazy day, although that was not to be the case, I did I have some fun!  You see, I like to dye yarn - partly for my own usage, but also to sell in my little Etsy Shop under the name of Witches Brew Yarn.

I love how combinations of three colors can come together to make gorgeous shades.

I also had fun 'dipping' yarn.

I dye 100gm (approx 400 - 450yds) skeins of yarn, which is perfect for knitting a pair of socks or a small shawl.  Oh, and I do!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Springtime in Alberta

Oh boy - what weird weather we are having right now.  Although to be fair, if I was a born and bred Albertan I would probably not be surprised at all.  Let me tell you about it . . .

On Friday we met up with Hubby's Aunt and Uncle (they are passing through on their way to an Alaskan cruise) and took a trip to Head-Smashed-in-Buffalo-Jump.  Amazing place, great interpretive centre and we had a fantastic guide called Edwin from the Blackfoot tribe.  And here is the view on a gorgeous, sunny spring day.


Quite gorgeous, I think you will agree.  This is fascinating place to visit and well worth the drive down from Calgary.

Now fast-forward a few hours to the next day when we decided to go to Canmore in the Rockies (no pics from there, sorry, but there was too much cloud) and stop off on the way back in Bragg Creek where we took a few photos . . .

Fortunately normal service has been resumed and we are back to lovely sunny weather, but it does rather put a damper on potting up some cheery annuals - maybe next weekend . . . . . !